Keyboard shortcuts There are a bunch of keyboard shortcuts for the Rudder. Shortcuts for the menu items are listed in the menus (e.g. command-S is Save). Shortcuts for most dialog box items are displayed when you hold down the command key. In the main preferences dialog you can also use these shortcuts: • Up and down arrows move the Speed slider up and down. • Option up and down arrows move the Window Fringe slider up and down. • Enter and return select the Save button. In the application preferences dialog you can also use these shortcuts: • Up and down arrows move through the current application list. • Left and right arrows select the previous and next application list. • Enter and return select the Save button. In the help dialog you can also use these shortcuts: • Up and down arrows scroll the text up and down. • Left and right arrows move to the previous and next topics. • Page up and page down on the extended keyboard move the text one page up or down. In addition, you can use these shortcuts anywhere in the Rudder: • Help on the extended keyboard turns Balloon Help on and off. • Command-? (or command-/) turns the cursor into a question mark. As long as the cursor is a question mark, when you select an item from a dialog box or menu, online help opens to the appropriate topic. To get the normal cursor back without selecting anything, just press command-? again.